Pine Tree Green, 2018photographer Grant Hancock

Pine Tree Green, 2018

photographer Grant Hancock


Jane Skeer graduated from Adelaide Central School of Art in 2015. Her work Quiet Square was part of Hatched: The 2016 National Graduate Exhibition at PICA, Perth. 

Skeer has participated in artist residencies and exhibited work Internationally and throughout Australia. Skeer was awarded the 2018 Emerging Visual Artist of the Year at the Adelaide Critics Circle. 

In 2019 Skeer's work True Blue was a finalist in the Churchie National Emerging Art Prize at IMA, Brisbane.

In 2020, Jane Skeer travelled to Kerala, India, on a month-long artist residency with the ACE Open/Kochi Biennale Foundation. On her return, she completed a four-week residency on Kangaroo Island, responding to the Kangaroo Island Bushfires, proudly supported by Country Arts SA and Catherine Murphy, Palace of Production.

Skeer is currently living in Glasgow, studying for a Master of Fine Arts at Glasgow School of Arts as the recipient of the 2022 Anne and Gordon Samstag Scholarship.

In December, Skeer was commissioned to return Australia to re-install her work True Blue at Yarrila Arts and Museum Coffs Harbour, New South Wales.

Skeer recently travelled to Manhattan, New York to exhibit in a nine-week program with House of Tyres in an all-women group exhibition Play with form until it has impact. 



2024          Master of Fine Art, Anne & Gordon Samstag International Visual Arts Scholarship, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, United Kingdom

2015          Bachelor of Visual Art (Honours First Class), Adelaide Central School of Art, Glenside, South Australia

2014          Bachelor of Visual Art, Adelaide Central School of Art, Glenside, South Australia



2024 I am NOT your Doormat, Commissioned by Adelaide City Council, International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women, SA

2024. Woman to Woman, The Gallery Norwood/St Peters Library, St Peters, South Australia

2022         Artists in Residence, Whyalla Unearth Festival, Whyalla, South Australia

2021         You don’t find India, India finds you, Five Walls gallery, Footscray, Victoria

2021         Out of the Ashes, Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery, Broken Hill, NSW

2020         We’re in this together, Guildhouse & City of Adelaide, Art Pod, Adelaide, SA

2020         Embedded Landscape, Fabrik – Arts and Heritage, Lobethal, SA

2020         ACE Open/Kochi Biennale Foundation Residency Exchange, Fort Kochi, India

2020         On the Horizon, The Metropolitan Hotel, Adelaide, SA

2019         Twine, The Walkway Gallery, Bordertown, South Australia

2018         A Sustainable Celebration, New Year’s Eve in Elder Park, Adelaide, South Australia

2018         Afresh, Riddoch Art Gallery, Mount Gambier, South Australia

2018         True Blue, BOAA - Biennale of Australian Art, Ballarat, Victoria

2018         To look with fresh eyes – Mount Gambier revisited, Collective Haunt Inc. Gallery, Norwood, SA

2018         Film, Adelaide Festival Centre Moving Image Screen Program, Adelaide, South Australia

2018         Pine tree green, Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre/Country Arts SA/SA Power Networks, Mt Gambier, SA 

2018         Substituted - SALA Artist in Residence, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia

2018         Sign of the times, Gallery 1855, Tea Tree Gully, South Australia

2018         Anew, Gallery 1855, Tea Tree Gully, South Australia

2017         Left Behind, FELTspace ARI, Adelaide, South Australia   

2017         Public Art – stobie pole rope works, (Commission), Port Pirie CBD Rejuvenation, Port Pirie, SA

2017         Interventions, South Australian Living Artist (SALA) Festival, Adelaide Festival Centre, SA

2017         Flyers, DreamBIG Festival - Adelaide Festival Centre, Adelaide, South Australia

2016         The Messenger, Kings ARI, Melbourne, Victoria

2016         Meandering, Arkaba Hotel, (Commission), Fullarton, South Australia

2016         Suspended, Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia - Garden Space, Parkside, South Australia

2016         Ode to the fisherman, Floating Goose Gallery, Adelaide, South Australia



2025 Heysen Sculpture Biennial, The Cedars, Hahndorf, South Australia

2024 (Un)translation As An Alternative Paradise, Barnes Garage, Glasgow, United Kingdom

2024 MFA Degree Show, The Glue Factory, Glasgow, United Kingdom

2024 Play with form until it has impact, House of Tyres, New York, USA

2023 Halfway, Yarrila Arts and Museum, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales

2023          GSA + HFBK, Hamburg Exchange, The Glue Factory, Glasgow, United Kingdom + Hamburg, Germany

2023. MFA Interim Show, Reid Gallery, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow

2022          Heysen Sculpture Biennial, Carrick Hill, Adelaide, SA

2022          Wonderground, Seppeltsfield, Barossa Valley, SA

2022          Constantly Curious, Hahndorf Academy, Hahndorf, SA

2020          Spaces, Adelaide Town Hall, Adelaide, SA

2020          Love in the time of Covid 19, Gagprojects/Greenaway Art Gallery, Kent Town, SA

2019          The Churchie National Emerging Art Prize, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Qld

2019          The North Sydney Art Prize, Waveton, North Sydney, NSW

2019          Wish You Were Here, Adelaide Central School of Art, Glenside, South Australia

2018          Emerging Visual Artist of the Year, Adelaide’s Critics Circle, 22nd Annual Awards, Excellence in Arts, SA

2018          Catapult Mentorship – Richard Lewer, Guildhouse, Adelaide, South Australia

2018          Her Name, Adelaide Central School of Art/Guildhouse, Glenside, South Australia   

2018          Endless Horizons, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide South Australia

2018          Internal Forces, Riddoch Gallery, Mount Gambier, South Australia

2018          Francois Knoetze: The Art of Mongo, Collaboration with OSCA, Port Adelaide, SA

2018          Adelaide Fringe Exhibitions, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia 

2017          City Rural Emerging Artist Award, South Australia Living Artists (SALA) Awards, South Australia

2017          Adelaide Festival Centre & DreamBIG Festival /SALA Artist-in-Residence, Adelaide, South Australia

2016          Hatched: National Graduate Show, Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth, Western Australia

2016          Helpmann Academy Graduate Exhibition, Adelaide, South Australia